Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1st Annual Dance Award is a success!

On December 12th - right after the 12th performance of New Dancemakers / In the Flesh - Some 70 students, Alumns and faculty spent two hours together at the UWM Fireside Lounge to host a send-off party for the current crop of UWM Dance Graduates.

Katie and Karen were funny and personable in their roles as MCs and were instrumental in putting the successful event together. Kayla Premeau was also recognize as a force behind the event and all that goes on in the dance department! Bravo to all who came and made the event a success!

We started the evening with some alumni updates from all around the country... a lot of insights there!

The seniors put on a very funny skit using faculty idiosyncrasies as a backdrop for a dysfunctional faculty meeting... (see video below :)

Some pictures and videos were presented to great hooplah...

Some mock awards were handed out. (see list below)

And Finally Ed Burgess, Chair of the Dance Department announced the pieces from New Dancemakers who would be representing the Dance Department at the Regional ACDF at Saint-Olaf later in the Spring semester: Mary-Elizabeth Fenn's "It's not about Her" with dancers: Molly Mingey, Bonnie Watson, Megan Burki, Kimberly Rhyme, and Brenna Marlin. And Molly Mingey's "Excuse Me?" with dancers: Hilary Anderson, Annette Grefig, Jose Luis, and Nadia Marie Whitley. An alternate piece was also chosen in case with "A Round About Way, to Show You Today, This Little Dance" by Lindsey Krygowski with dancers: Olivia Gonzales and Tasha Holifield.


Anton,Michelle The I'm tiny but unexpectedly fierce award
Bates,Nastassja The You better watch out world
Beneke,Sandy The I'm as smart as I am nice award
Cambra,Alberto The My life is really just that funny Award
Carlsen,Frieda The I'm prettier than you and I don't like it award
Follensbee,Benjamin The Follensbee Award
Gray,Chloe The I'm tall and I'm proud award
Krygowski,Lindsey The I have a gesture for that award
Lauerman,Nicholas The I'm a rock, I'm an island award
Leow,Amy The Everything is falling out of my purse and I'm still happy and smart award
Mathers,Mari The "oh my gosh really!" award
Mingey, Molly The Beautifully weird award
Mudroch,Elizabeth The Quietly passionate award
Mueller,Beth The Smiling in all circumstances award
Pamenter,Nikka The Slowed down to a run award
Rabbitt,Emilie The two most different majors possible award
Robinson,Joshua The I just woke up so get out of my way award
Silva,Monique The I'm a strong latina woman so step aside award
Spadafora,Emily The I'm not stuck in ballet award
Stern,Melissa The the serious money award
Taylor,Sarah The I know what I want award
Tegen,Bridgett The Forever Gretchen Award
Teschendorf,Sarah The quirk award
Vang-Strath,Yeng The doing it all award
Walker,Chelsey The watch out, I'm a poster girl award
Warsh,Stephanie The You really did it award
Zanoni,Andrew The slow and steady wins the race award
Zarzecki,Steven The my feet ate my moustache award
Fenn, Mary-Elizabeth The if I slowed down you might catch me award
Ferrante, Alisa The If I were here you'd know about it award
Pankratz-Solis, Nicole The "boy this girl can dance award
Bannon, Beatrice The flower power award
Adjudication Mary-Elizabeth Fenn
Informal Molly Mingey
Alternate Lindsey Krygowski
Merit awardee Lindsey Krygowski

1 comment:

  1. It was a wonderful event! I can't wait for next year.

    Thank You!
